「MedHub」Export and Import medicines for overseas customers.

This service is exclusively for overseas customers who want to export and import medicines between overseas and Japan.


Language:English🇺🇸, Italy🇮🇹, Chinese🇨🇳 available

We can apply and prepare for several certificate documents for our trade. Basically those documents’ application fee is free of charge(ex. COO: Certificate Of Origin, COA: Certificate Of Analysis).

Basically we start to procure the goods when we confirmed buyer’s payment for goods.

The basic condition for delivery is EXW(EX Works), so buyer needs to pay for all the carriage.

We can get the goods with several conditions you need(same batch number, designate batch, avoid batch).

原産地証明書(COO:Certificate Of Origin)、分析証明書(COA:Certificate Of Analysis)など、輸出に必要な各種証明書の取得可能です。

INVOICE、PACKING LISTなどを発行いたしますので、輸送運賃と商品代金をお支払い頂ければ、医薬品手配後に速やかに出荷いたします。


取扱製品一覧と参考価格 Medicines and Prices list for reference

